3: Finding Color in Photography

Today, I focused on color. I was tired of shooting in black in white but damn, did it help me. All of these photos have no post production, not even contrast or brightness. This is because I want each shot to be intentional.

This meant knowing each function of my camera, not just shutter speed, but functions like color, and image settings.I learned to fall in love with my camera when I knew I could trust its setting in black an white, so why not color?

Honestly, I was scared to comeback to color because I thought the automatic settings was as accurate as it got, then I was like, forget accuracy, I have my own style of how I wanna capture this moment. Thank god that idea rather than something as unoriginal like, wow I need a new camera. It's very likely you have everything you need, and you will only realize it when you master your tools. I learned an important lesson; new gear does not make you better and having fun is one way I improve my work.


4: Talking Grounds & Imperfections


2: The Work before the Work